1 Website
One HTML or WordPress website and one MySQL database.
15 GB SSD Storage
15 GB of Solid State Drive file storage.
50,000 Visits Monthly
This number shows the approximate traffic your websites can handle. It is merely a point of reference rather than a restriction, and it depends on the website’s resource usage and optimization.
WordPress Acceleration
There are 3 different caching options for maximum optimization of your websites. Our tests show that a website using simultaneously NGINX Direct Delivery and Dynamic caching along with Memcached can handle 100 times more hits than a regular website without any caching.
Malware Protection
Leverage Wordfence Security which includes an endpoint firewall and malware scanner built from the ground up to protect WordPress. Wordfence receives firewall rules and malware signatures created by the industry-leading Threat Intelligence team.
Unlimited Free SSL
Protect your website and gain customer’s trust with a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate. The certificate encrypts data, making sure it won’t be compromised, eavesdropped on, or forged, protecting sensitive user information on your website.
Global CDN
Our content delivery network (CDN) is a tool that speeds up your website when you have geographically dispersed traffic across multiple countries and continents. It will cache your website content and will distribute it over multiple data centers around the world. When someone visits your site the content will be delivered from the server closest to the visitor. More detailed information about the CDN can be found in this article.
Automatic Daily Backups
Backing up your data is essential for the security and uptime of your site. Have peace of mind knowing that you can easily restore your website from our daily backup system. Create a backup manually to ensure that you’re making controlled changes to your site.
Free Website Migration
Our web experts can help you migrate an existing site or setup a new WordPress site.